Monday, May 4, 2009

The Matter's Divinity

human matters are matters

some refined like stones in a flowing river

others just dried like burning sand in a desert

human matters are






no matter what?

matters, human or otherwise

are matters, nothing but matters


ever growing

ever revolving

immortal matters

matters are what makes life and living

with trees

the mountains

the flowers

the birds

and the rest

matters bring sunny days

rainy sways

summer breeze

the autumn crunch of leaves

matters emporium

spreading colors all around

the simmering breeze touching the matters of heart

no matter how it is sliced, spliced, or diced

all are matters

whether they are god fearing right

or the science minded philosophical hype

matter is right

it is a delight

no where and every where

matter is revealing itself in pieces

every piece is a refined matter

full with matters of surprise

matter's of fragrance is caressing the human matter

the matter's divinity to be

a revealing matter

a capitulation matter

a cavalier matter

a matter full with longing

with desires and passion matters

intertwined with matters

of heart

the matter

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