Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Real And Unreal Turpitude: Matter's Dance Game

the real and unreal turpitude

render the crackling attitude

an academic lingering dialogue

surrounding the living camouflage

the reality is:

a limited pursuance

germinated in mind, and in three dimensional art

the science tests are premise bound, clever, and smart

ideologues, and ideologies are mind's polluted sludge

glaciers move, rivers and springs flow

nothing special to crow about moving and flow

moves and flows are matter's physical renderings

glaciers, rivers, and springs do arouse emotional spree

an euphoric desirous passionate streak

matter's chemical arousal running through bloodstream

life is on the row: moving, rambling, and stumbling

like a river flow

the universe glows as sun keeps coming around

the real and unreal turpitude change,

as universe grows

change comes in forms as matters remain the same

the real and unreal are the matters name game in a revolving helium upgrade

immortal matters dance, flutter, collide, embrace, and race

matters are life, and lives are matters one and the same

matters plays are playful in an evolving planetary space

the words

the writings

the minds ions

are matters dance game

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