Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Humans: A Model Of Pompous Serenade

humans are the bundle of egoist creatures

they are hurlers, curlers, and swindlers in their desire to dominate

do the doing of subjugating, renegading, negating any and all that comes their way

manipulation is their game which keeps their egos on the rise

humans are the self interest egoist squanders

who have been tarnishing the self with magnanimous facade

humans are full of contradictions in their moronic escapades

engaged in never ending struggling bungling
waring savaging pandering squandering

just to name a few humanite* mastermind ravaging tunes

human, a character of it's kind trying to walk on the Mars soon

as if it has not done enough walking and harming on the planet of it's abode

humans are full of renderings of it's kind

praying to shake off their evil deeds

creating gods to control, and spread ignoramus heeds

human, a model of pompous serenade deed

a true humanite, a two legged mite

it throws paint on a canvas, and calls it an art

paints chapels and frescoes to leave it's mark

these are just some of the egoist creatures deeds

dare not to call them misdeeds

egoist creature will render the blow of it's kind

ironically blowing itself

the self

the self is crying out loud to free from humanite's escapades

human drama, a period in evolution panorama

swirling like bees to sting itself

human egoist, a self destruct reign

dancing prancing to commence it's end

humanite, the mite of it's kind

destroying the planet in it's sight

humanite, a pompous dice

slicing away the planetary life

a sigh is all left in hope

to reform the humanite, the pompous, the egoist creature

* humanite is a term created by the author (Surendra P. Singh) for humans to correspond with the word termite. Both the humanites and the termites are destructive.

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