Monday, April 6, 2009

Silent Mind: Meditation Meddling Crown

silent mind is a dream. or,

it is intelligent mind's nightmare,

a meditating therapist's rationalized treat.

the silent mind......

is it to free humans from intelligent mind?

or silent mind is a cleaver design

to reign human kind.

is it a hoax?

played on human intelligent mind.

is there a silent mind? or

it is an illusion of it's kind,

a concept that rhymes, and

has been played over time.

silent mind is a talk of town.

it is a meditation meddling crown.

silent mind

full with romance

commenced the intelligent mind

to find solace in silent mind

by refitting, slicing, and caressing

the tuning of ringing intelligent mind

with the silent mind

a game of all time.

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