Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Democracy Of Our Time

the sound of water dripping fills the ears

rushing clouds in the sky serenade the eyes

drizzled rain touching the skin

mystery abounds the dreaming mind

mind searching to explain the life's domain

wrapped in genome

far... far... far away

dreaming the dreams away.....................

awakened by the heart's flutter

mind seems to be in a gutter

eyes barely open

to face the reckonings

of worldly "awakenings":

policies are rationalized




the sultans, the queens, and

the wall street bankers profit

the modern day barons are on the move

prime ministers are created

presidents are inaugurated

to sooth the populous, and

feed the barons

world's capitalists unite

hedge fund fly high

derivatives are multiplied, spliced, and sliced

money moguls control the media

the capitalist democracies are on the rise

why should it be a surprise?

to find most Democrats and Republicans look alike

democracy of our time

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