Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Mind

intelligent mind and the brain cajole

both compromised in a planetary stroll

discolored by social, cultural, and chemical pollution

what keeps the mind roll

logical rational intelligent mind?

false motivational freaks?

bigoted religious deeds?

political chicanery?

psychological here say?

schooling and fooling?

none of the above: the mind knows

it is the mind free from intelligent streak

free from motivational freak

free from religious bigotry

free from political chicanery

free from psychological here say

free from schooling and fooling

it is the free mind that makes the difference:

the mind which is listening the gentle breeze

the mind which is whistling the sound of trees

the mind which is sensing the ocean roar

the mind which is climbing the mountain commodore

the mind is not a cultural spree

the mind is travelling from a far far galaxy

it is in every mountain stream

it is in every particle dream

the mind:







the life

to be

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