Monday, April 20, 2009

The Nature's Foreplay

the day's chattering has ended in silence

the evening has arrived to ward of the living asylum

the long senseless hot day is behind

the moon is rising through the clouds

bringing the moonshine,

the nature's everlasting wine.

the wind is swirling and making the waves,

the desirous and passionate waves.

the ocean is awakened by the simmering waves.

the waves rush in haste to caress the shore

in glitter moon shine to kiss the shore's every core.

the nature's foreplay is in play

intertwined with shore's ravine

in solemn solace into the cool night

bringing sleep, the nirvana of all time.

nirvana the sleep

stolen in worldly deed

the creep that seeps, and

dives in deep psyche of human kind,

the creation of human mind.

a polluted mind

a political mind

a social mind

a waring mind

all in all an insecure mind.

intelligent a twilight

making the human mind

a rationalized mind

a justified mind

in rising twisting premise divine.

no end in sight

lots of intelligent commercial in hype.

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