Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Dream Worth Dreaming

silent mind is silent

scant yet silent

rampant yet silent

disturbed by intelligent yet silent

silent is what makes the silent mind mind

silent mind is not an intelligent freak

silent mind is like dew spread on ground in silence

silent mind brings silence to volcanic roar

silent mind disturbed by intelligent remains silent

silent mind is silent

silent mind is pricked by intelligent slicks

to disturb

to corrupt mind's core, the silence

silent mind remains silent

intelligent creates it's own domain

calls it an intelligent mind

intelligent mind is not a silent mind

intelligent mind is like a spider's spin

creating webs with logic and rational rims

to rationalize all intelligent mind's acts for the kill

silent mind remains silent

evolution evolves, and makes it's way

to eliminate intelligent mind in evolutionary race

to bring nirvana, the silent mind in it's place
conflicts of intelligent mind to
transform into silent mind
thoughts of intelligent mind to extinct
thoughts of silent mind to seek, and build a new living
a stimulating living
a desirous living
a passionate living
a rejuvenated living
a living free from political chicanery

free from bigatory

free from poverty

free from waring pollution

free from wall street economic streaking.

silent mind is a dream

a dream worth dreaming

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