Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cultures And Civilizations Are Political Crap

cultures feeds

civilizations reeds

covered in mystic of waring needs

drowning the humanity

crowning the worst of worse

empowering the war mongering

all under the cover of cultures, and

civilizations needs

cultures clash

some call clash of cultures not a war mongering spree

cultures clash, an ironic splash

cultures must not be cultured if they harbor waring needs

cultures and civilizations are the covers for the brute inhumanity

inhumanity that feeds the blood stream of human beast

cultures and civilizations are neither cultured nor civil yet

a call for devotion to cultures and civilizations those neither civil nor cultured is a brain washing trap

a political crap

feeding on insecure human needs

a drama

a panorama

a wall street's dream

a Hollywood's scream

a Bolllywood's stream

dream, stream, and scream

glorify culture's war mongering streaks, and

civilization's uncivil deeds

sprinkle with song and dance

exploit the human vanity needs

fulfil the "culture's" greed

cultures and civilizations are nothing but political crap

an economic bonanza for some, and dungeon for the rest

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