Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Ocean Splash

night and day

life's pleasantry smiles

the splash of ocean strides

brings thrill in every vein

moon light flickers as the wave crash

spreading the sand crystals ashore

night and day

with no tolls, no surcharge, and no claims

the ocean breeze rejuvenates the brain

feelings surface

conscious mind awakened

to know and feel what is lost in daily spree

cell phone rings

telemarketers are on the move

to sell

turn off the phone

go on and dream dreams

as you breath ocean's salty breeze

to clean the sludge of daily spree

life's natural pleasantries are free,

at least for now.

civilization has brought the "freedom"

at an unbearable cost

humanity is lost in the monetary thicket

reclaim the nature's pleasantries

be pleasant to all that pleasantry that surround you

night and day

let life's pleasantry smile

as you shred the unpleasantness of "freedom"

that bounds you

smile, imagine, dream, and sleep the nirvana sleep

now and forever

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