Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sleep

the sun brings light to spruce up the dark plight of the night

or it has stolen the refreshed experience of the night?

the night has been slept away, dreamt away in the darkness of night

there was a dream, a peaceful scream, a vibrant dream that evades the awakened memory

memory, the sign of living, a conscious rendering put aside in the darkness of night

the memory at night in sleep is sporadic, fuzzy, and non living

the mind is awakened refreshed after being in the non living reign

refreshed because it spent moments in the non living, free from the conscious sludge

refreshed because the mind had dwelt in sleep

a reef of non living, the sleep a nirvana spree

a nirvana spree where there is everything.... yet nothing the matter

no premise

no point of reference

yet whole with one and all

darkness and the light are one and the same

precepts and perceptions dwell in the living mind

a transient mind

the business mind

the controlling mind

the subjugating mind

the waring mind

the drama of living

a meaningless rendering

gets rest at night

in the non living, the sleep

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