Friday, May 8, 2009

The "Golden" Era

human goodness is plastered by



coercion, and schooling hacienda.

media is full with commercials, and propaganda.

unemployment is up

misery index is rising, and

so is wall street fortune.

the living of our time is full

with trickery.

it is an upgraded trickery.

it is a refined trickery.

it is a commercialized trickery.

it is a legalized trickery.

it is a right off trickery.

it is an off shore trickery.

it is a Madeoff trickery.

trickery's of our time are "golden", and


it is aig insured.

it is govt. insured.

it is Berkshire insured.

all the trickery's are mastermind by wall street doe boys,

sanctioned by Greenspan, the art of derivatives, and

covered by media propaganda.

showcased by congressional hearings

sold by presidential budget

controlled by Rupert and the like

a new "golden" era of our time.

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