Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Brain

Micky the mouse

doing his job

keeping the mass occupied while

the real rouse (the paper wealth giants) are making out

behind the close walls............

paper wealth of derivatives are returning

flush with bail outs, short sales

layoffs and cut backs

derivatives are bringing to the paper wealth giants

a gift of the lean and mean corporate cuisine

ready to lute the global "free market"

the surprise is waiting for the corporate cuisine:

a smarter consumer

a less gullible consumer

a more educated consumer

an environmentalist consumer

an energy conscious consumer

ready to take back their lives

their planet

for themselves, and

for the generation to come

is it a dream?

or a new reality blossoming

is it a fantasy?

or real change is in the air

is humanity ready to give up the waring game?

is humanity ready to give up it's Pope, Imam, Rabbi, and Pundit, and their mirage?

is humanity ready to make good science?

is humanity ready to make art, drama, and dance?

is it a dream?

or a wishful scream?

only the time will tell

in a time free sojourn

as universe moves and expands it's reign,

the brain

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