Sunday, May 24, 2009

War Mongers Money Making Faces

war mongers money making faces evolve

premeditated "morals" for making wars are sermonized

plans for a world "order" are raced

the need for activation of world "order" is in order is sold

to human buffoons by the waring goons

selection of verbiage are planned and carried out to "be sure"

money making tools including books are cooked

ramifications calculated

conditions laid down

prayers are pronounced

church bells are ringing

mosques are calling

temples are buzzing

synagogues are railing

"moral grounds" are pounced

justifications are rounded

renditions of all kinds carried out

to conquer

the dubious encores

the political drama

the power panorama

nothing is profound

politicians lay down on the couch

to open mouth

to spit the pit bull slouch

to clear their "conscious"

to collect the book money

to go on lecture gurney

to make more money

generations are fooled

killing goes on

peace ambassadors are carved

to make peace to give war mongers the time

to plan "better" wars

to set the new rules and the "laws"

rule of "laws" are promulgated

to control, and make more money

"happy" days will come again

Micky mouse, and the wall street will reign again

world bank will do it's dance

to empower the paper wealth

under the disguise of "good" deeds

the church

the mosques

the temples

the synagogues

will do their things

to "sooth" the war mongers wrath

a sickening collusion of all time lives on

behind every waring goon

there is a money making machine

there is a controlling machine

there is a subjugating machine

there is a "godly" machine

one and the all are

nothing but waring money making faces

ethics and morality are the verbiage game

sculpted to fit the need

with a dose of rationalized creed

brain is seeing all this with aggravated pain

as the wars go on...................

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