Sunday, February 1, 2009

The World Is As It Is

the world is as it is

buzzing in some urban living

sizzling in rare corner towns

dimming in the rest of the world

exploitation has a new name

globalization is on the move

Economic forums rule

Internet connects the privileged

spies the rest

pollution rampage

recessions come and go

making rich the rich

the rest collect the left over doe

the world is as it is

no more civilized

it is cruel like it's past

cruelty and greed last

among all this craze and raze

sun continues to shine

gentle breeze still come and go

ocean roar in moon lit nights

bringing lovers delight

mountains still smile

springs come and spreads the green

the world is as it is

a mixed bag at best

incomplete as it rest

no profoundness to be found

as the Micky the mouse goes around

and around, nothing but around

the world is as it is

a profitable ground

for the Micky the mouse rouse

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