Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Reflective Moment In Time

the sun is rising

the day is shinning

but the mind is numb

thoughts pick up the crumbs

no wonder the mind is numb

it is surrounded by the mindful of slums

the news of selfish acts and betrayal dominates

let not the life to culminate

with no fulfillment but with some supplements

that came on the way


sporadic happiness

followed the dampness

of chill

it is not the life that is to be

culmination of life as is must stop

the fulfilment to begin

leave the past behind

with ungrateful bums

let the ungrateful bums

enjoy their mindful slums

ideals sneak into the mind

to do something

to clean up the minds full of slums

are these thoughts of ideals ideal?

or the fulfilment of grandeur

clear your thoughts

seek the mindful of gravity

to know

to feel

the destiny

that is to be

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