Monday, February 23, 2009

Evolution's Creative Ways

intelligence is conscious memories in name

conscious memories fails as time passes

reminding nothingness as the memories extrude

leaving behind nothing but a hollow reed

conscious memories are transient

the mass memories are radiant

the mass flow in space

in eternal race

to evolve

to glow

to grow

to create an eternal taste

away from the planetary waste

it is the nature's way

intelligence fights it's way

to substitute the nature's way

disrupting the nature's flow

nature bring nothing but the glow

intelligence is nothing but a blow

an evolution's freak

an hindrance

to nature's flow

intelligence is creating rationalizations

and justifications for all it's mistakes

stuffing the brain with micro wave

cluttering the space with waste

passing of life is nature's hope of ray

to dissolve the intelligence memories from it's way

to transcend and transform

to evolve

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