Friday, February 13, 2009

Human Mind, The Reflection Of Brain

human mind is the reflection of evolving brain

human mind's creative "achievements" are meager

human mind's destructive achievements are stronger

destructive achievements are devilish, and evil

human mind is insecure as it seeks power and control

justifies it's destructive pursuit

makes "holy" wars

creates facades of holiness

builds temples of divinity mirage


the soap operas

the drama

the art

to come to terms with it's destructive achievements

mind's pursuit to seek terms reflects growth

an inherent growth, a reflection of growing brain

as the planetary brain mass grows, and glows

mind will transform, and transcend from it's insecure pursuits

soap operas and war mongering will end

divinity will leave placates of church, mosques, and temples

divinity will transform, and will reside in human mind

a secure mind

a divine mind

a reflection of growing brain

a cool brain

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