Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Jest Of Life

there is jest in life

desires and passions are not hype

they are the core of life

destroyed by the social pompous squanders

pope, pundit, imam, and rabbi alike

full with hatred and dislike

hiding behind the garment design

living in and preaching the denial of life

sprinkling polluted water with polluted hands

building cathedral and hiding sanctums

all in the name of goodness of grace

a hypocritical race

among the claimants of goodness of grace

there is a jest in life

desires and passions are not hype

they are the core of life

looted and polluted by no other than

the claimants of goodness of grace

hiding behind the religious sanctums

the claimants of goodness of grace are not the only to blame

the insecure humanity can not escape the blame

transform if you can

transcend you must

from insecure humanity

to seek divinity

not from the religious sanctum

but from your own transcend sanctum

the jest of life

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