Friday, February 13, 2009

A Story Of Ambivalent Mind

there is a story, so it goes

story of mind

an ambivalent story

the story of human mind

a creative mind

a destructive mind

creative mind created science to save lives

destructive mind used science to destroy lives

human mind an ambivalent mind

a creative mind

a destructive mind

is it an ambivalent mind?

or a duplicitous mind

a confused mind

an insecure mind

a controlling mind

the mind acts to free and secure mind

ironically with it's controlling mind

making mind an insecure mind

a dependent mind

how to create a transcended mind?

a free mind

an exploring mind

a loving mind

mind ventured:

created art

created science

created varied imaginative world views over time

however, mind failed to transcend from it's destructive mind

is destructive mind in of itself a creative mind?

destroying to create a renewed mind

mind remains an ambivalent mind


not knowing

the unknowing

created gods of all kind

to seek peace of mind

ironically mind wages wars in the name of god

destroying peace of mind

there is a story, if there is

a story of ambivalent mind!!!

unique in it's kind
going round and round
searching from sky down to ground
amalgamating every possible sound
no end in sight
welcome to ambivalent mind
a 21st. century mind
sparkling mind
euphoric mind
shopping mind
a manic mind
credit card mind
globalized mind
Hollywood mind
Bollywood mind
imaginative mind
scripted mind
waring mind
weaponry mind
seeking peace
and waging war at the same time
an ambivalent mind

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic piece of literature, I love the verisimilitude to my own life, a little bit of every minds type for everyone.