Monday, February 16, 2009

Here And After Reminiscent

question of here and after have been asked and reminiscent over time

speculations and religious claims have dominated the decree

the "godly words" sprinkling out of temple, church, and mosques

the acts and the words of hypocrisy tarnishing the human mind

the peace mirage has been spread under the disguise of all kinds

are these products of human mind?

or products of scrupulous "Divine" playing with human mind

clouding the planet with vulturous rendition

here and after is it's fraudulent adventure

to pacify human mind's frail venture

keep human mind away from making science

the science which may unravel fraudulent face of "Divine"

hiding behind the columns of temple, church, and mosques

the "Divine" fearing science

the science

which may make here and after a farce mystique of "Divine"

unraveled and bring the "Divine" to ground

making human mind the Divine

a peaceful mind

an empathetic mind

a creative mind

living now and here mind

not living in cloud

behind farce"Divine"

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