Monday, February 2, 2009

A Rainy Day

it is a rainy day

a cloudy day

a deary day

a melancholic replay

it could be a happy day

a meaningful day

just hear the sound

that comes with rain

water is dripping down the rail

the sound of rain hitting the grail

hearing the sound did not stay for long

the need to search for meaning comes along

a curse of intellect hounds

the rain drip drips, and sinks in ground

to keep away from the hovering cloud

as the rain meets the ground

ground stretches it's embrace

the rain finds it's place

cool air surrounds refreshes the mind

clouds hang around

it is a rainy day

enjoy the day

keep the meaning away

an another day

in a cosmic ray

hear the sound


let the serenity or whatever comes your way

be in it and feel the day

as you celebrate the rainy day

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