Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Dreaming Mind

human mind

a dreaming mind

a convulsive mind

a volcanic mind

an impatient mind

a mind to seek

to reek

to create

to love

to heed

to retrieve

the sullen desire

lost in masquerades

of daily living

human mind

a controlling mind

a conflicted mind

a produce of social camouflage

of insecure living

human mind

a deliberate mind

a contrive mind

a revolving mind

funneling in space

to find the love

to transform

to transcend

to make the living whole

as life scrolls

the planetary dream

to be

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Human Mind

human mind

an empathetic mind

a happy mind

a sensitive mind

a creative mind

a seeking and curious mind

human mind

a product of brain mass

a cellular mind

a chemical mind

revolving in, and around the universe

in it's energetic sojourn to outer space

human mind

a capitulating mind

a perceptual mind

with precepts of all kind

precepts governing the mind

centering in genome, the precepts

making mind an everlasting mind

human mind

a reard mind

an acculturated mind

mind bestowed

mind crippled

with grief, sadness, and rage

a regressed mind

a projected mind

an introjected mind

a complex mind

human mind

a simple mind

a dynamic mind

a peaceful mind

a loving mind

a passionate mind

a desirous mind

human mind

it is a simple mind, yet perceived as complicated mind

human mind

it is a simple mind, yet made as complicated mind

human mind

an economic mind

an exuberant mind

a depressed mind

a manic mind

a suicidal mind

a forgetful mind

human mind

an evolving mind

a piece of art

a piece of dart

in revolving universe of it's time




to come to terms with insecure mind

human mind

an adjusting mind


for simple purpose

to be a mind, the mind

to be

Monday, February 23, 2009

Evolution's Creative Ways

intelligence is conscious memories in name

conscious memories fails as time passes

reminding nothingness as the memories extrude

leaving behind nothing but a hollow reed

conscious memories are transient

the mass memories are radiant

the mass flow in space

in eternal race

to evolve

to glow

to grow

to create an eternal taste

away from the planetary waste

it is the nature's way

intelligence fights it's way

to substitute the nature's way

disrupting the nature's flow

nature bring nothing but the glow

intelligence is nothing but a blow

an evolution's freak

an hindrance

to nature's flow

intelligence is creating rationalizations

and justifications for all it's mistakes

stuffing the brain with micro wave

cluttering the space with waste

passing of life is nature's hope of ray

to dissolve the intelligence memories from it's way

to transcend and transform

to evolve

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Passion's Nature

no reason and no season can bestow

what heart brings to life in tow

the passion of desire

passion is not for hire

passion is natural in it's feelings

desirous in it's dealing

in every life's reeling

sun rise reminds life to be

sun set sets the peace to be

rendering the dreams of life

sojourn greets the living

as desirous days keep coming

no reason and no season can bestow

what heart brings to life in tow

A Spring Thought

the spring stream flows so hearts can glow

passing through the horizon of all splendor

meandering the path of high and low

seeking the meeting with new terrain to row

natures fragrance spread making life grow

the spring stream flows so hearts can glow

every breath intertwines with fresh breeze

the freshness of breeze the spring brings

making the longing pure even more

the sound of stream permeates with roar

touching every sense the body possess

clearing the wintry slush

the spring stream flows so hearts can glow

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feelings Are Numb Not Dumb

feelings are numb not dumb

sleep and dreams went on rampage

to bring the life's jest lost in space

thoughts are meaningless crumbs

spread in pieces in an airy world

world is full of political treachery

spreading meaningless drudgery

living off the thoughtless crumbs

beating the human right drums

for the benefit of political scums

feelings are numb but not dumb

there is a way off of thoughtless way

like stars spread around the milky way

feelings are the stars around the worldly way

bringing the passion and desires to our way

turning life what it is: an ever blooming raspberry!

not making human rights a convenience

for Clinton chicanery

Friday, February 20, 2009

Life Is Not A Detour





the living


of life

to convert to jest

the passionate jest

the desirous jest

that squeezes

in caress

to make life's


full of delight

in smile

for one

with lips of


heart of


to live



no more

any more

any core

to creep

to reap

and seep the life

away from it's serene destiny

under the disguise

of love, and passion

life is to live

life is to love

any and all other torts

are nothing but detour

life is not a detour

life resides in passionate desire

for nothing but to live and love

all this is nothing but a crap

face the life as is

not just dream

scream, and

live the life as is

the fatalistic thoughts creep

under the conscious terrain

to infect the passion

the desire

the jest

for no other purpose but to make life

to accept the life as is

it is a detour not to be adhere

by any call in sphere

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Morning Thought

living in of itself is hard

living in a duplicitous world is harder

social intelligence reflects Machiavellian farce

the race to out live the other keeps humming

fork tongue talks keeps running

the difference between friends and foes blurring

ice is melting

human heart is icing

paradox of our time racing

to culminate the living

in haste

by accumulating waste

waste that clouds the brain

making mind a treacherous terrain

living is hard

becoming harder as days go by

the race is on

world is full with con

clear the brain

let the mind flourish

to clean the waste

make living Divine once again

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here And After Reminiscent

question of here and after have been asked and reminiscent over time

speculations and religious claims have dominated the decree

the "godly words" sprinkling out of temple, church, and mosques

the acts and the words of hypocrisy tarnishing the human mind

the peace mirage has been spread under the disguise of all kinds

are these products of human mind?

or products of scrupulous "Divine" playing with human mind

clouding the planet with vulturous rendition

here and after is it's fraudulent adventure

to pacify human mind's frail venture

keep human mind away from making science

the science which may unravel fraudulent face of "Divine"

hiding behind the columns of temple, church, and mosques

the "Divine" fearing science

the science

which may make here and after a farce mystique of "Divine"

unraveled and bring the "Divine" to ground

making human mind the Divine

a peaceful mind

an empathetic mind

a creative mind

living now and here mind

not living in cloud

behind farce"Divine"

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Story Of Ambivalent Mind

there is a story, so it goes

story of mind

an ambivalent story

the story of human mind

a creative mind

a destructive mind

creative mind created science to save lives

destructive mind used science to destroy lives

human mind an ambivalent mind

a creative mind

a destructive mind

is it an ambivalent mind?

or a duplicitous mind

a confused mind

an insecure mind

a controlling mind

the mind acts to free and secure mind

ironically with it's controlling mind

making mind an insecure mind

a dependent mind

how to create a transcended mind?

a free mind

an exploring mind

a loving mind

mind ventured:

created art

created science

created varied imaginative world views over time

however, mind failed to transcend from it's destructive mind

is destructive mind in of itself a creative mind?

destroying to create a renewed mind

mind remains an ambivalent mind


not knowing

the unknowing

created gods of all kind

to seek peace of mind

ironically mind wages wars in the name of god

destroying peace of mind

there is a story, if there is

a story of ambivalent mind!!!

unique in it's kind
going round and round
searching from sky down to ground
amalgamating every possible sound
no end in sight
welcome to ambivalent mind
a 21st. century mind
sparkling mind
euphoric mind
shopping mind
a manic mind
credit card mind
globalized mind
Hollywood mind
Bollywood mind
imaginative mind
scripted mind
waring mind
weaponry mind
seeking peace
and waging war at the same time
an ambivalent mind

Human Mind, The Reflection Of Brain

human mind is the reflection of evolving brain

human mind's creative "achievements" are meager

human mind's destructive achievements are stronger

destructive achievements are devilish, and evil

human mind is insecure as it seeks power and control

justifies it's destructive pursuit

makes "holy" wars

creates facades of holiness

builds temples of divinity mirage


the soap operas

the drama

the art

to come to terms with it's destructive achievements

mind's pursuit to seek terms reflects growth

an inherent growth, a reflection of growing brain

as the planetary brain mass grows, and glows

mind will transform, and transcend from it's insecure pursuits

soap operas and war mongering will end

divinity will leave placates of church, mosques, and temples

divinity will transform, and will reside in human mind

a secure mind

a divine mind

a reflection of growing brain

a cool brain

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Reality Of Our Time

the day passes by as the economy slumps

politicians are debating, and spicing their lies

sending economy into a cancerous dump

globalization is churning to clone more capitalists

service is performed by answering computers

human touch is deteriorating

technology is collating

controlling the mass

economy slumps

sending humans in dump

the "progress" is in the air

if you listen to care

to be human robot in layer

to grind the mind

to send in decline

the conscious of our time

the day begins with c-span rally

morning garden shows tally

day media shows are nothing but the dog and pony show

to decimate and pollute the human brain

keep the brains in dark and occupied

from knowing the political trickery of our time

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brain The Nature's Clone

the morals and ethics are culture bound

morals and ethics evolve in an evolving time

a stagnant culture warps the moral and ethics in it's time

conserve the past or create the future as future evolves?

the values of the past served the past

the present must cast the past, and create the values of it's time

nothing stays the same, all must pass from it's day

to a new beginning

it is not as simple as it says

human brain is evolving to a premise unknown to mind

mind speculates and creates the premise in it's time

evolution of brain determines the state of mind

brain is a mass in a planetary evolution

brain is a nature's clone

to perceive and design

the planetary reign

the mind

A Reflective Moment In Time

the sun is rising

the day is shinning

but the mind is numb

thoughts pick up the crumbs

no wonder the mind is numb

it is surrounded by the mindful of slums

the news of selfish acts and betrayal dominates

let not the life to culminate

with no fulfillment but with some supplements

that came on the way


sporadic happiness

followed the dampness

of chill

it is not the life that is to be

culmination of life as is must stop

the fulfilment to begin

leave the past behind

with ungrateful bums

let the ungrateful bums

enjoy their mindful slums

ideals sneak into the mind

to do something

to clean up the minds full of slums

are these thoughts of ideals ideal?

or the fulfilment of grandeur

clear your thoughts

seek the mindful of gravity

to know

to feel

the destiny

that is to be

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


democracy stumbles and rambles

sleeps in congressional chambers

between procedures and rulings

democracy is crawling and drooling

double talks surmount

nothing but falsehood count

members take turns

speak in multiple tongue

as they bury the truth, and burn

create tax cuts for the rich

for the poor the life is a bitch

democracy stumbles and rambles

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Ground Hog Dilemma

a lone ground hog is on alert

snooping around the field

being what he is: a hog

doing what he does: hogging

fearing his survival

hog is cautious and trembling

like human paranoiac rambling

hog stands and looks around

sensing the reality of human destruction

hog rushes back to his hole

a dogmatic hole

a conservative hole

not knowing that the rules of game have changed

by the human intellect and the brain

a hole refuse is no match for the human destructive brain

human intellect and the brain knows the power it holds

over planetary domain

the power of control, and destruction behold

human intellect and the brain also knows it's own mortality

making the human intellect and the brain a paranoiac deity

human intellect and the brain fears from it's own destructive vain

to hide the vain

a destructive reign

human brain


the camouflage of rules game

to save the planet earth

an unintended relief comes to hog

rules may save the hog

at least for a short while

hog better not loose it's paranoia

to survive from human intellect and the brain

ground hog's ironic dilemma

be a hog, and enjoy the planetary domain, and die

or be a paranoiac smog, and survive

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sun Dance

sun dance










not in anger

but in joy

as the sun

shines through


in a forest






touching the ground

in gentle cares


the dance

into an embracing


lasting love

to be

Saturday, February 7, 2009

India 2009

pretensions are buzzing

capitalists are humming

Bollywood is screaming

progressives are dead on arrival

conflicted conservatives making waves

needier are spread everywhere

emotional blackmail ravages

immature souls are taking control

spreading immaturity in toll

behind the facade of love and care

there is nothing but disparage and despair

greed rampage every where

poverty sinking in the soil

taking toll every where

trains running smoothly

airplanes are flying

hotels are packing

all for greedy and ungrateful needy

Bollywood displays convulsive sneezes

slums are displaced

with high rise and highways

humans are enslaved

named servants not slaves

justification and rationalization at it's height

pretensions are buzzing

capitalists are humming

a conflicted India like many others keeps running

Life's Solitaire Game

what is life?

a game

a name

a solitaire

a mass

the energy

a breathing machine

a dreaming ravine

looking up

looking down

looking around

a peaceful drama

a colorful panorama

perceiving the horizon

glacier's rise and fall

waiting to melt

without reaching the famous hall

life's solitaire game

Self Interest

it is not easy to live in a self interest world

self interest rakes







the state

the country

the world

the morals

the ethics

all are the cover, and fake

self interest rakes

the blame game

the diversion game

the guilt game

the crying game

the war game

political game

all to hide the scrupulous self interest game

the ceremonies

the religious preachings

all are rationalized self interest game

how to protect self from self interest game

is self protection a self interest game?

self interest is an economy game

it is a power and control game

it is a game to sooth the ego

the bruised ego

the weak ego

a trapped ego

a sick ego

self interest, the game of ego

irony prevails

no one is free from self interest game

interest collide

groups are formed

wars are waged

power and controls are exerted

class, caste, and clubs are created

to protect the self interest of the victor

victories are justified

victories are rationalized

gods are created

to fool the mass

by the victor

self interest is the game of the weak

until the evolution reaches it's peak

to transform the meek, the victor, and the rest

to be

not at the cost of others

but with others

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Jest Of Life

there is jest in life

desires and passions are not hype

they are the core of life

destroyed by the social pompous squanders

pope, pundit, imam, and rabbi alike

full with hatred and dislike

hiding behind the garment design

living in and preaching the denial of life

sprinkling polluted water with polluted hands

building cathedral and hiding sanctums

all in the name of goodness of grace

a hypocritical race

among the claimants of goodness of grace

there is a jest in life

desires and passions are not hype

they are the core of life

looted and polluted by no other than

the claimants of goodness of grace

hiding behind the religious sanctums

the claimants of goodness of grace are not the only to blame

the insecure humanity can not escape the blame

transform if you can

transcend you must

from insecure humanity

to seek divinity

not from the religious sanctum

but from your own transcend sanctum

the jest of life

The Social Poison Ivy

Living is nothing but politics

full with lies, lies, and more lies

social politics mount

day and every night

in every ceremonial plight

they are full of dreadful sights

power and control are

the roots of the political game

human minds with intelligence design

makes politics a neurotic reign

leading to no where but to psychotic terrain

for insecure living.

insecure living is at it's prime

full with crimes

living dramas spring from politsical roots

the roots of social poison ivy

thrives in human insecure mind

in the cesspool of political living.

transform if you can

transcend you must

to set free from social political neurotic life

the social poison ivy.

the social poison ivy left alone

will creep


of no return.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

There Are Choices

life has fun

life has it's run

day and night

come and go

life is so so, and so

nothing profound

so what is it

that matter the most

how to roast and coast?

the choices are:

join wall street, and squeeze the main street

join political geeks, and work for the wall street

join the main street, and be a freak

choices are shallow and bleak

don't be so pessimist

there are better choices can't you see

globalize and join the turning tide

buy desert where sun shine

find windy corridors

create alternate energy

and sell to wall street commodores

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Be Your Life's Host

what to do when there is nothing to do

in a day and age of deluded can do

the economic serpent is squeezing

making life queasy

irony surrounds

economic noble laureates are betting

on a recession caused by nothing but betting

bailouts are out to bet out from recession

while betters get bonus and concession

for throwing economy in recession

listen to the debate on legislature floor

ideologues are scoring the procedural score

consumers are tired of being taken for sure

what to do when there is nothing to do

go home to rest, and recollect

remind yourself the lessons learned

consume less, live longer, and not get burned

recessions come and go

because you let yourself go

with every market hype that comes your way

when burned you settle for trickled alms

and media pomp and show

that keeps you buried under the Tatum Poe

change your way to coast

take responsibility, and be your life's host

the responsibility among all that matters the most.

Human Life

what is the meaning of human life?

is it the ideological limericks that defines life?

is it Sunday preachings that controls life?

is it the pontification teachings that justifies life?

all the above spread nothing but rationalized gimmicks

what is the meaning of human life?

human desires and passions

are simmering and glowing

to seek embrace

in viral sea

to evolve

and be

making human life

that is the human life

meaning of human life is life

nothing but life

Live And Grow

to keep life flowing

keep on rowing and growing

follow the perpetual remedies

live, let live, and give

give sanity not insanity

give love not hate

give the aspirations

let the love of life flow

like the

morning mist

mountain fresh air

a tender ocean breeze

forget the political ploys

the wall street squeeze

the financial fat bellies

spread the loving rally

flow like mountain stream

forget the media circus

let the desire and passion that abounds you

spread wings of love that surrounds you

to keep life flowing

keep on growing

make your presence known

like thundering ocean wave

rushing to shore

to spread

the simmering

ever lasing ocean breeze

Living Moments

thoughts and feelings


inner search strolls


deep into the being

every moment of living

that came along

some happy and cheery

some dark and deary

friends missed

memory keeps reminding

the life's journey

that came one at a time

some came with clarity

others with ambivalent mind

ambivalent mind, not anymore

ambivalence is gone

clarity seeping like a fresh spring

serenity abound

thoughts return in jest

life worth remembering

as it moves into a new horizon

a happy horizon

bringing silent moments

with silence

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Rainy Day

it is a rainy day

a cloudy day

a deary day

a melancholic replay

it could be a happy day

a meaningful day

just hear the sound

that comes with rain

water is dripping down the rail

the sound of rain hitting the grail

hearing the sound did not stay for long

the need to search for meaning comes along

a curse of intellect hounds

the rain drip drips, and sinks in ground

to keep away from the hovering cloud

as the rain meets the ground

ground stretches it's embrace

the rain finds it's place

cool air surrounds refreshes the mind

clouds hang around

it is a rainy day

enjoy the day

keep the meaning away

an another day

in a cosmic ray

hear the sound


let the serenity or whatever comes your way

be in it and feel the day

as you celebrate the rainy day

Look A Little Deeper

look a little deeper

to find the creeper

it is not cynicism

it is the depiction of realism

that comes with life

if it hangs around a little longer

to see the games being played

in the political hanger

in wall street board rooms

diversion media talk shows

comedians are paid

to carry out the game

to keep the electorate occupied

during the economic heist

president's are elected to take the fall

to legalize Greenspan hype

to protect the heist

Obama's "To Be Sure" Crap

mind is in cloud

the planet is in doubt

the brain is numb

to see the financial rats bloated head

the financial rats were nurtured and fed

by no other than the Greenspan fed

financial derivatives were dreamed

fat rats did well until chicanery exposed

Bush and Paulson rushed to save the rats

election rhetoric were hot

Obama joined the Bushpaulson game

played his game, and rallied for the bail

now elections are over, and he is in to sink or sail

wants more money to save the rats

he is caught into chicanery trap

it's no body's doing but his own trap

created by his "to be sure" crap

Lemon Socialism On The Move

the mind shouts

the brain spouts

the living is confused

in a clouded refuse

the financial chicanery is exposed

globalization is deposed

bailouts are dolled

for financial molds

to rear their unproductive roll

lemon socialism is on the move

tax payers are on the hook

private sector getting the bail

so they could enjoy the bonuses, and sail

some hearings are planned

for the show, song and dance

for lemon socialism to enhance

globalization is on the move

capitalism is on loose

tax payers are in noose

nothing has changed since feudal reign

games are the same

with some fancy names

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Religious Dogma, The Brain Polluting Acid Rain

from religiosity smoke stacks

the dogma pollution spreads

polluting human brains like acid rain

polluted brains follow the religious reign

happiness is differed to the some higher calling

life is scripted and rationalized, and rolling

Pundits, Popes, Imams, and Rabbi are cajoling

as they themselves suffering from the polluted brain

can't see the darkness their dogma spreads

religiosity smoke stacks are well stacked

banks roll

money flows

brains polluted with religiosity acid rain

can't see the drain

keep shuffling money to what is clouding their brain

irony prevails

Be All But Happy

there is no time for happiness

there is plenty of time to keep busy

to make money

whatever trickles down from wall street honey

there is time to be depressed

take all the time you need to be bitch and be sleaze

ask not for time, just gripe and be grunt

be all there is to be but happy

happiness is a misery to be

for the working world

for the falsehood of political ploy

for the corporate profit

happiness is a diversion

for the dogmatic conversion

happiness is a misery

happiness is controlled

happiness is bargained

happiness is grieved

happiness is all but happy

compounded by 21st century greed

a camouflaged economic derivative

it is a derivative greed

a 21st century Greenspan gift

to spread the seed of rift

in a new globalized neo-colonial drift

The World Is As It Is

the world is as it is

buzzing in some urban living

sizzling in rare corner towns

dimming in the rest of the world

exploitation has a new name

globalization is on the move

Economic forums rule

Internet connects the privileged

spies the rest

pollution rampage

recessions come and go

making rich the rich

the rest collect the left over doe

the world is as it is

no more civilized

it is cruel like it's past

cruelty and greed last

among all this craze and raze

sun continues to shine

gentle breeze still come and go

ocean roar in moon lit nights

bringing lovers delight

mountains still smile

springs come and spreads the green

the world is as it is

a mixed bag at best

incomplete as it rest

no profoundness to be found

as the Micky the mouse goes around

and around, nothing but around

the world is as it is

a profitable ground

for the Micky the mouse rouse

Shake The Intellect To It's Side

shake the intellect to it's side

to an ever lasting ravine of no return

the new horizon is waiting

to celebrate with smile

to bring ravish glitter

as new beginning splashes

with fresh breeze, bringing

the end of rationalized sneeze

the calm whispers

opens the flood gate of loving stream

then it could be said:

living is not a life's remorse any more

though it is for now under intellect domain

shake the intellect to it's side

to an ever lasting ravine of no return