Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trickle Down Alms And Economic Fiasco

Tears flow in sadness and sorrow to see the economic game being played in waste, and in haste.

The current economic fiasco a result of some being made very rich, and tucked away in safe.

All the public institutional powers are bend to help bring public wealth in play, and find at best a few scapegoats, and public hearings for show... while let the significant lute gainers go safe.

The game has never been the so called market place; The market place name is a cover for money stokers, and the power controllers in play; The public in this game is never safe.

The trickle down alms are bestowed for the lute for the higher ups on the totem; The game of looting has gain anew socialpoliticaleconomic face.

Some of the electorate also must share the blame for their vote in ignorance promoting the lute to gain the trickle down alms, and the illusion of being safe.

Tears flow in sadness and sorrow to see the economic game is being played in waste, and in haste.

A time to ponder......................

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