Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sadness And Sorrow

The sadness and sorrow are the life's cravings for lost joy, and the pleasures of living.

Life was simmering with joy, and the pleasures of being on a lost planetary space.

What a joy it would be to see the joy on a face you loved?
What a sublime pleasure it would bring to experience the intensity of selfless love, once again?

Past is lost with the passing of time in time, they say; Time is immortal though, some counter; Passing is not passing but becoming one in time with time, once again.

Nothing is lost?
But it is the human experience that is experienced in passing moments will not be the same again no matter how it is said and countered in the reign.

The sadness and sorrow are the cravings for the lost human experience that can not be experienced, again.

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