Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Poor Capitalist, A Rare Phenomenon

America has evolved two forms of contradictory capitalists: one known as rich capitalist those have the capital, and are the providers of the trickle down alms; the second known as poor capitalist those have no capital, and are the protectors of the one who have the capital.

Poor capitalist contradiction in term, and in concept yet ingrained in the hearts and the minds of a number of Americans who are poor, but they think that they are not, and consider themselves as proud, patriotic, free, and pro-American capitalist.

Poor capitalists despise liberals, leftist, and calls them socialists, unpatriotic, anti-American and the like.

The psychology, sociology, and the anthropology of the modern poor capitalists thinking is a remarkable phenomenon of our time that can be seen during the heat of presidential election at it's height.

The perception, the behavior, the learning, the growing, and the becoming of the poor capitalist mind is a rarity in a genealogical evolutionary plight.

A time to ponder...................

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