Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mysteries Tormenting Life

Mystery!... tell me who are you? The pain inflicted by you are pierced deep inside; curtail your venom; go on your way; peace may render you the sway; the secrets that you carry are of no avail.

Can you reveal a glimpse? tell whatever it may carry, dark or varied color reverie; fill the heart with relief, rather savor the relentless painful trail.

There is no spiritual command against the revelation of mystery design; So, oh mysterious mystery... come, and reveal; squeal; tell all, why and how the mysterious happenings destroy life.

Seasons bring change in wind, color, and earthly fragrance making life a joy; why can't mysteries tormenting the heart and mind change, reveal, and rejuvenate life.

Are tortures, and torments just the part of living a life? difficult to believe, yet it is conceive... life suffers torments, and in great strife.

The religious mysteries crucifix justify the torment which in itself is torturous strife inflicted in life.

Life must not be tortures, tormented, and full with senseless strife; let the earthly fragrance, the fall colors, and the spring rejuvenate what it is, a life.

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