Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The lost of humanity to jungle tyrants, to feudal lords, to kings and emperors, to modern political shenanigans, and Wall street streakers is a social evolution in of itself portrayal of how weak humanity continues to be.

The political campaign, the big planes, and over taxing populous for wall street streakers is the name of the game offered for thee.

Populous is kept drunkard by the day, by the night, and by every conceivable sight by over powering wall street streaker media to which populous is equally responsible as it continues to cling, and drink what is offered to thee.

Wake up, change the game, and spread humanity for learning, loving, and evolving for a change.

The control of wall street streakers, and it's collaborators is deep, and covers a long range.

Lest not get into the wall street game, should you desire the freedom for a change.

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