Sunday, November 16, 2008

Idea Is The Machine?

"idea is the machine that drives the art", an art gala theme

machine has it's place, and machine has it's rewards

machine is a product of idea

idea however is not a machine, let alone the machine

"idea is the machine", an ironical art gala theme

"idea is the machine", a technocratic dream

it's not the idea that matters

it's not the art that matters

it's the conversion of idea that "idea is the machine", that matters in a technocratic regime

the machine is the technocratic dream

rest is the drama to please the social stream

bring the gala, the Hollywood, bring the song and dance, the Bollywood to sparkle the idea, the machine

bring Micky the mouse to sing it's territorial favorite song:

it's a small, small world

add to it: "idea is the machine"

sing again, it's a small, small world

literally small it is: in a world of Micky the mouse, and in a world of technocratic rouse

indeed, the world of art has lost it's splendor the magnanimous wonder as it surrenders to a world that has shrunk the idea to it's lowest denominator, the machine

better yet to be said, small it is in a world where idea is denigrated to machine

"idea is the machine" will drive the art to it's rusting ravine, if it has not yet already done so to achieve it's technocratic masters dream: to make art a machine

machine rusts and parish as it's business warranty runs out the streak

it's the free, flowing, fluid, spontaneous, evolving idea that springs the art to it's immortality not idea, the machine

let the world of human imagination, idea, and art reclaim their splendor the magnanimous wonder from the machine, the technocratic dream.

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