Saturday, November 29, 2008

Humanity, A Half Baked Evolutionary Tool

humanity is a fool.

it is a half baked evolutionary tool

brains are wired

homes are bugged

privacy is a joke

presidents fly around in big planes

paid for by those whom presidents command, and rule

humanity is a fool

a half baked evolutionary tool

used and abused, and

kept in dark, waring, praying, and confused

are recruited to march to win power and controls for the state, and

for every power that exist, or could ever exist

for no other purpose but to be controlled, command, and be ruled

in turn states are fools

turning humanity into mules

the media games and entertainments are divergence

to keep humanity occupied for the controllers to do

the controlling, commanding, and ruling in perpetuity

the controllers are fools

being controlled by their insecure half baked brain to reign

humanity is a fool

it is nothing but a half baked evolutionary tool

to fool, and be fooled.

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