Monday, August 27, 2012

The Politics


The politics of the state, the faith, and the race
are to control minds, water, minerals, and the land base.
The monetary system is the name that achieves "purpose" and the end games.
Humans are the pawns to be controlled and to be played.
Afterall, it is a game, the living game of the state and the faith
to fool, control, and rule.

Then came the arts, the science, education, and the human creative minds
that threatened the establishments of the state, the faith, and
their controlling, fooling, and the ruling minds.

The rest is the history of the plays and the ploys of the state, and
the faith politics that has expanded it's controlling mind to control
the arts, the science, education, and the human creative minds.

Nothing has changed.
It is the game of the state, and the faith
that continues to control the human minds.

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