Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bollywood Karma

I had some down time what rehabilitation has bestowed on me.
I opened my eyes and looked into the youtube, and
watched some Bollywwood creations of our time.

There are flickers with songs and dance, and
there are stories full of love anger aghast,
the Bollywood's karma of songs and dance.
Love and anger are in play, and passions are on display.

Bollywood's life lines of love and anger are in every screen play
repeating themselves like bodhi circle never to stop, and
never to change the pace.
The repeat circles and the remnants of the sameness remains
predictable full of melancholic song, dance, guilt, and the shame.

Dance and songs roar, and the actors make body moves...........
emotions rise, voices gear, the dancing begins, and
the floors circle like body groves.

love, anger, guilt, shame, and
melancholia are Bollywood's life lines,
it's passion, it's karma, and
it's money machine dharma.

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