Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Greetings from Adirondack:

Snow is on the ground, it is serene beyond belief, the simmering breeze though cold has the love chill that moves the soul beyond grief into the waving, playing ocean reef..........

My many many thanks to all of you for visiting my poem, poetry, and whatever comes to mind at poetryoncommentaryplus........

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We Can Not See What Mind Obscure

we can not see what mind obscure.....
mind had it's run with "destinies" caved, carved, and slaved in times.
mind is wrapped and warped by indoctrinations of all kinds.

sun is rising slowly, peeking through the sky.
the plains are whispering as the passers go by.
mountains are rising to kiss the sky.
the oceans are roaring as morning arrive.

the beauty is sound, around, and surrounds,
yet the wars roar across the planetary space as never before.

warring minds are waging wars of all kinds.
religious fervor are obscuring the mind.
"cultures" are no better than religious fervor "divine".
political ideologues are busy in brain washing and coercion to
make the word of their kind to control.

mind is obscured among the beauties that surrounds
thoughts are rationalized to obscure the mind
the "destinies" of our time is no different than any other time.

we can not see what mind obscure................

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mysterious Awe

deep in heart lies the mysterious awe
the crave that fills the life, swings by
the breath spills the shrill that sparkles
every neuron with nectar that races
through my mind.

the chill of chilly warms the cold, and
brings the sweat that my heart so desire
the space rocks, the feelings burst
to see the eyes filled with passion
making the desire fulfilled......

the ocean waves are rolling
to fill the foot strolling
the shores
the stalling
the desire
that heart so desire.

deep in heart lies the mysterious awe
the crave that fills the life, swings by
mysteriously to say good by.

the matters of space intertwine
to reach the universe incline
to feel the fresh breeze that had
come, and passed by in simmering

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Beauty And The Serenity Abounds

my deary eyes were sleepy.
the snow was falling.
the calm held the valley.
the brain was ruminating the
serotonin clamping to make
the sleep divine, yet my thoughts
were pacing.

is it a mirage of my mind making me
to seek and find a no nothing rhyme?
the life that sparks the momentary spike
is all there is to be found in a living grind.

humanity is besieged with perpetual waring minds 
peace is a chip in the play of the waring minds.
humanity's primal insecure minds are rationalizing
the waring deeds.
I must heed to my sleepy eyes as there is nothing
stopping the waring minds.

then I saw a beautiful face on facebook
that caught my eyes, making the universe divine,
a flicker of hope raced through my spine.
the beauty, and the grace abounds
in the midst of the waring minds that surrounds.

I slept well, and woke up to see the snow all around.
the beauty, and the serenity are sound, around, and abound.......

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Dreamed, Dreamed, And Dreamed

I slept and dreamed the place,
a place where heart is calling, and
the mind is scaling.

it is a place that spreads across the planetary divide.
it is a breathing place,
a place it is to be.
it is a place where religious fervors die, and
the economic misdeeds never survive, and
the mind's treacherous deeds are scaled and derailed.
it is a place where planet earth's unfulfilled dreams come alive.
it is a dream place,
a heart's calling place, and
the mind's scaling place.

I woke up to a real place to dream the dream.
I dreamed, dreamed, dreamed, and dreamed to no avail.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Stillness Reigns

ideologues rampage the planet earth
they come in diverse shapes, colors, and hearths.
power and control is the perpetual name of the game.

it is a primal nightmare that surrounds the human race.
is it an evolution's treacherous game to end the human face?
my mind is troubled as it wobbles in the planetary space.
sadness and sorrows take over at a steady pace.

for my sadness and sorrows there is a reprieve.
the snow is falling and spreading the stillness.
the still moment reminds me the nature of momentary trace.
the matters of life are evolving among the volcanic spade.
stillness follows the turbulence of the planetary grain.

stillness regains, and reigns, and I am off to be momentarily "sane" again......