Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cats, Dogs, And Hogs**


It is a world of cats, dogs, and hogs.
You go and figure who is who, and what?

A morning chat that fills the heart
is all we need to lift the particles of hearts.

There are no needs for plans and charts.
The hearts are filled with life and

Trail down the paths of life with no regrets and wraths.

Living by the moment is not a fallacy,
it is a life's delicacy...sweet with the fragrance
of hearts free from minds and their thoughts
in a world of cats, dogs, and hogs.

There is a life to be lived.........
if we let our minds to go to sleep to listen to beats of hearts
free from the world of cats, dogs, and hogs.

**No offence is intended towards who love the world of cats, dogs, and hogs.

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