Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life's Juggles

Life is what is imagined,
a work of mind so I thought.
The imagination rhymes became
thoughts to grind, and make jokes of all time.

The feel,
the reel,
the squeal,
the control,
the mold,
the creation, and
the destruction
are the works of mind.

There is no reason.
There is no rhyme.
It is all play of mind.

A feel,
a reel,
a squeal,
a control,
a mold,
a creation, and
a destruction
comes to rhyme, and shine,
the juggles of mind.

to control, and
to exploit the resource of all kind
including the human kind, and
it's mind...the irony of all time.
It's juggle, the imagination......
a making of human mind.

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