Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Particles Dance

It's the intrigue of differing precepts, perceptions, and the values
guiding, controlling, ruling, and molding the living.

There is nothing in the living that makes anyone free from the
intrigues of precepts, perceptions, and the values of living.
The seekers of freedom, and
the givers of wisdom.
are the intrigues of precepts, perceptions, and the values.

The dharma,
the karma, and
the intellect drama
are the games
of the living.

Set free from the living, and
the particles shall be free from the conjunctions of living.

Nirvana is free.
All the rest of the preaching and the living is the game of the willing, and
not so willing, and their intrigues of differing
precepts, perceptions, and the values of living.

The dance,
the songs,
the pleasures, and the
mourns are the livings
roams in the winds of every song, and
in the moves of every dance.

Live, sing, and dance, and
set free from the living prance
in the embrace of wind,
the particles dance.

1 comment:

saras said...

dear bhaiya,it is a psycho-physicist look at life,beautiful truths