Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Particles Dance

It's the intrigue of differing precepts, perceptions, and the values
guiding, controlling, ruling, and molding the living.

There is nothing in the living that makes anyone free from the
intrigues of precepts, perceptions, and the values of living.
The seekers of freedom, and
the givers of wisdom.
are the intrigues of precepts, perceptions, and the values.

The dharma,
the karma, and
the intellect drama
are the games
of the living.

Set free from the living, and
the particles shall be free from the conjunctions of living.

Nirvana is free.
All the rest of the preaching and the living is the game of the willing, and
not so willing, and their intrigues of differing
precepts, perceptions, and the values of living.

The dance,
the songs,
the pleasures, and the
mourns are the livings
roams in the winds of every song, and
in the moves of every dance.

Live, sing, and dance, and
set free from the living prance
in the embrace of wind,
the particles dance.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Humanity Is Ruled, And Caged

there is something wrong.

when the rule of laws require that:
protesters against wars to be hand cuffed, and arrested;
war crimes to be covered, and protected; and
freedom to be controlled and restricted.

there is something wrong.

Humanity has seen such rule of laws before, and
continues to witness such laws grounded even more.

there is something wrong.

humanity is ruled, and caged.
some are caged in mortgage folds.
some are caged in prison strolls.
some are caged in ideologue rolls.
some are caged in poverty, and
left to bemoan.
some are caged in gold, and
 are behold.
some are caged in rule of laws
for empires to hold, and mold.

there is something wrong.

elected leaders sell their soul 
at the alter of Wall Street fold.
psychologist join CIA to
rationalize the torture mold.

there is something wrong.
humanity is ruled and caged..


Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Politics of Statehood

Politics of statehood are run by the lying machines
called presidents, prime ministers, congress, parliaments, and the likes
to spread the destructive waring disease
to inflict human mind with "patriotic" creep
to fool, control, and rule
with monetary tool.

Blessed are the Banks, the IMS, and the likes
enjoying the profit spikes, and
lobbying the presidents, prime ministers, congress, parliaments, and the likes
to spread the "patriotic" creeps, and the destructive waring disease
so they can rebuild and mortgage the losers with the money, the funny game.

Humanity has entrapped itself with the self inflicted pain
with psychotic statehood reign.

No Reasons And No Rhymes

the flowers
the fragrance
the love of life
the divine
the sublime
the particles of mind
just write:
what comes to mind.

no reasons, and no rhymes
no prayers, and no crimes
just write:
what comes to mind.

not for critic
not for history
not for grammar, and
not for dime
just write:
what comes to mind.

the liberty that enshrines
to fill the hearts and minds, or
lack thereof that enslaves the minds.
just write:
what comes to mind.

the flowers
the fragrance
the love of life
the divine
the sublime
the particles of mind.
just write:
what comes to mind.