Friday, December 30, 2011

mind struggles to keep up with the matters of matter

that matters in human survival and evolution.

matters evolves into brain to spring the mind

to bring insight into brain that matters

to illuminate human judgement of themselves,

the conscious in human brain evolves and dissolves

in matters of time.

minds are structured with matters design

along the line come other lines

muddling the conscious along the line

social dynamics, religious pontifications rise

in between economics slips in to structure the mind

creating paper wealth that goes beyond sensible mind

creators of paper wealth control the minds

because paper wealth has won the political time

paper wealth buys all the resource that matters, and

matters resources are then valued to bring profit

to paper wealth that has no value in of itself.

Moral: valueless controls are set to win

bring nothing but ruins of mind.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Tools of "Democracy"

Elections have become the cathartic tools.
Presidency has turned into an internship
in the American empire dealership.
The congress has become the wall street fool.
The judiciary sits covered in dark garbs
to keep the empire justified to fit the machine.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Be In Dream, To Dream

I sleep
I sleep in dream
I wake-up in dream
I live in dream:
to dream
to be
to see
to hear
in dream thrill,
a planetary drill.

I sleep
I sleep in dream
in rain, and
in sunshine
in starry night
in dark night
in moon lit night
I sleep
I sleep in dream
I wake-up in dream
I live in dream
to be
to see
to hear
in dream,
a planetary dream
a drill
a thrill.

I sleep in dream
I wake-up in dream
to be in dream
a thought wrenching dream
a human dream
a dreaming dream
a sleeping dream
a waking dream
a living dream
to be in dream

And, now,
I am for a dream ice cream
before I sleep, and
dream once again
about humanity and it's reign,
the dream.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Time To Pause

The making of illusions and the mirage are in the cards
to fool, to control, and to rule under the disguise of elections, and
the democracy facade.

Donald Trump is ready to lead the cause
The casino games are on.

American presidency is to wage wars to:
defend the military industrial complex game;
protect the too big to fail, or to jail; and
spread the wall street plutocracy
under the cover of democracy in name.

The making of illusions and the mirage are in the cards
to fool, to control, and to rule under the disguise of election, and
the democracy facade.

Donald Trump is leading the cause to camouflage.
It's time to pause........