Saturday, August 27, 2011

Conscious: The Human Matter

It is not what intellect has made of human that matters.
It is what is the conscious human matter in of itself is that matters.
the conscious being is the human matter, the particle
that is free from the intellect scenes, it's mirage, and it's dark ravines.

Intellect's intrigues, and
the intellect's games
are the intellect's dark mass
filled with scenes like Disney's
Mickey screams.

Intellect's intrigues are
the mirage, the cover for
the fallibility of intellect's drama.

It is not what intellect has made of human that matters.
It is what is human matter in of itself is that matters.
The conscious being is the human matter, the particle
that is free from the intellect scenes, it's mirage, and it's dark ravines.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Morning Wish

A time to be.
A time to seed and feed.
A time to weed the sorrow,
the sadness from the planet
where it never to be.
A dream to dream.

A dream to dream.
A wish, and a hope to be
in every raindrop, and
in every sun ray
that spreads life, and
the light on the planet
to see, and to be.

Every moment in time
is a time to learn, and to be.

A time to be
A time to seed
A time to weed the sorrow,
the sadness from the planet
where it never to be.
A dream to dream.