Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Live Life, Not The Dream Of Life

Live the life, not the dream of life; no explanation to explain what there is nothing to explain; live life no matter how much or how long it rains.

The remembrance of life will do that brought sadness and sorrow for whom the life couldn't be lived.

Catering is not what life is; It is the jest of living with every breadth that had not been lived is to be lived.

Live life, not the dream of life, for all the quests and inner delights for commanding living sight.


Silence is not deafening, it is reckoning, yet revealing nothing.

The clouds surround the mountain, and move swiftly to capture the happening.

The sight of falling leaves, as it danced with quivering mysterious glance of earth with embrace.

The silence brought the the quiet loving simmering inside with all it's majestic grace.


Histrionics, fear mongers, fast pullers to shift the wealth to rich are once again on the move.

Democracy, and the peoples voice has some chance to save the collapse of America; The collapse of working class will have parlous effect, not the demise of fast pullers on the move.

Let the sense prevail with a new dawn; Let the change come with the changing colors of the fall.

Let the ill will politicians of the past rot in their slime, as the Autumn breeze refreshes the rest in sublime.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Brothel Of High And Mighty

The momentary sounds of music disturbed by the sounds of commercials.

The soul of music is sold to the highest bidder; A new brothel of high and mighty to take on the music with slice and teasels.

The PBS, the last virtue is gone with the commercial winds; The products sold are disguised under the colors, and verbiage of commercial arts, the senseless cubicles.

Commercial art to sell, sell, and sell the unsuspecting mass the bill of goods protected by hedge, insurance, and the State dear all.

Life's Colorful Sight

The morning brings the open eyes to see what there is to see, the light.

The brightness of light comes to remind the living life's bright colorful sight.

The day's call to pay, pay, and pay for living on the planet earth for the living blight.

The blight of creation by the power controlling culprit slimming might.

Come, and be cheerful; let not the slimming might control, and fool by gripping tight.

See the life's wonders among us to share and see; and make the slimming controlling blight to go away in the oblivion to be, says the mind; slimming controlling blight needs the forgiveness, says the heart. Which it aught to be? The mind and heart to reconcile with forgiveness to let the life's bright colorful sight spread, with delight.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Art Of Living, And The Fantasy Of Freedom Has To Be Left To Dream For Another Day

The day has come and gone; the night is here to rest to dream for another day.

There is; if there is; all there is to live for the creation of human mind either to laugh at the absurdities of living; or make a day, and wait for the night to dream for another day.

The fantasy of movies, and the revere of Micky, the mouse are here to occupy the human mind from growing, and getting stray.

Go, and sleep; The art of living, and the fantasy of freedom has to be left to dream for another day.

Senseless Living

Night falls with the days mysterious yawns for nothing but to let the day pass.

Everyone strolls the life by the malls for no other reason just to let the day pass.

A world of no purpose other than spend the days in malls, and night by the empty heart bars.

A new world of senseless wasteful living to bare off the boredom of living, and spend the time to let the day pass.

The insecure minds with dangerous outlooks camouflaged in goodness, and human rights for what other than power, control, and no other cause.

The real goodness is hear in the checks and balance system that is struggling to live, and survive as the day pass.

Racial Prejudice

Racial prejudice has varied color and forms in a world of sophisticated verbal camouflage, if you dare to recall.

Look around, and see yourself, and you will find if not all but surely the remnant of racial prejudice in all.

Racial prejudice is not a private property of one or the other group; it is embedded in all, a sickness deep inside archetypal human decal.

Watch the debate, and the shifting eyes, and the commercial demanding "respect", if you insist to know the darkness in all.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sketched Realities

Sleep to experience nirvana to be awaken by the sketched realities.

The flowering meadows invite to a rush of joy away from life's calamities.

The gushing water from the river to a fall, and then flow are reminders of life's momentary moves for no other purpose but to move to carve realities to be.

The sketched realities are the distractions from the life's desires to be.

So, be and let not the sketched realities spindle and mutilate your being to be.

Politics: A Cathartic Strife For The Miseries Of Life

There is a vacuum of thoughts and feelings in the realm of crushing political life.

The political life is not for thoughts and feelings. It is a drama of controlling strife.

So, expecting what not to be is a thoughtless stringing, deceiving, quavering strife.

How could that be, politics with no thoughts and feelings? Politics is inherent in everyday life.

It must be then a cathartic strife for the miseries of life.

Sound, The Life

Sound, the sound of planet earth is mixed with diversity of sounds to be one, and lone, the sound of planet earth.

The diversity of sounds are the pieces of the one sound that comes with sounding the sound of planet earth.

No, it is not the one that is the sound, the sound of planet earth; The sound is the opening of the life, on planet earth.

With sound comes life mass to particles to be; and life is dispersed to sound, the sound of planet life on earth to be.


Serene is serene to wind, dust, and must; to be what is to be serene.

Come to see what is to see other than to be what is to be, serene.

Serene is not the life's virtues alone to be serene yet it is what it is, serene.

A volcanic disturbance seeks the movement to be cool, for what else but to be serene.

Alone, The Lone

The alone, the lone, the culprit of sojourn to make living nothing but a false cajole.

To be awaken to see the life to be in the midst of Autumn colors making life a play of what it is to be, not what it has been made to be.

There comes the swirling mist touching the skin with natures touch of life to be.

Walk the path where leaves are falling to remind the natures living of life it to be.

Being To Be

The chaos and serenity are not opposite; They are life's meaning to reveal the beginning of life for a purpose to be.

Life is not what living drama portraits it to be; It is an evolving mass that comes to be encountering the living mutant drama to be.

The Autumn colors reveals the mysteries of living life that has been, will be, and moving to be.

Live to be; live to see; live to learn, love, and evolve; Live not to be in conundrum of war, power, and control to destroy the being to be.

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain the show horse: Way off track

McCain the show horse: Way off track

McCain the show horse: Way off track

McCain the show horse: Way off track


Look what's out there that attracts the eyes and sooths the soul, and distracts the wasp from striking.

The substance in living are plentiful to distract the striking wasp from striking.

The living that strikes the life with pollution is the poison of ultimate striking.

Look what is out there that attracts the eyes and sooths the soul, and distracts the polluters from striking.

Market Place

Huffed and puffed of daily living pierce deep in human surreal living.

No purpose, or purpose design and predestined with convoluted purpose in slime.

Human living is scented, colored, and drummed up to the beat of orchestrated market slimming rhyme.

There is more to market of slime; Living on planet earth is for loving, learning, transforming, and transcending in sublime.

Lasting Moving Tranquil Abode

Go where ever the particles of life takes you; Never think that going will short cut the life's established links.

The established links are transcending from the planet earth for everlasting, and fulfilling universe that never sinks.

The sinks are the matters of dark that fits well in black hole whenever the matter becomes stale, stagnant, and stinks.

So, be not stagnant, and be sucked into the black holes of living; Grow and move with the universe to establish lasting links.

Universe grows to ever lasting moving tranquil abode; It molds, folds, twines, and moves in sublime.

See What Has Not Been Seen

The songs and dance are to set you free to see what has not been seen.

To twine with twisting rumple loving vine with a glass of wine to see what has not been seen.

The sight of light is to see what has not been seen; let not the sight blind you from seeing what has not been seen.

Come, share, and drink to uplift the living to make everyone to see what has not been seen.

The Social Darkness And It's Genesis

The social darkness that bewilders the feelings, thoughts, and well beings are collective sickness with genesis in the darkness of insecure mind.

The fear that abounds and surrounds the existence of life's insecure mind, takes the jest of living, learning, and loving to succumb to it's worse kind.

Live to set yourself free from the social darkness impinging on human mind.... to evolve, and reach the pinnacles of new high to feel, think, and love for no other reason than to live and love in sublime.

G-8 Skewed Economy

The night brings the silence, and peace from the political lies poluting the world's remaining mass.

Electorates and the politicians are both to blame; one for the ignorance, and the other exploiting the ignorance.

Elections are the projections of a nation's maturity, or lack of it; and it's electorates, and leaders intelligence, or lack of it.

The token systems of G-8 economy are rigged with unsustainable skewed Totem Poe, the lighter on the bottom, and the heavier on the top, making the modern day Totem an unsustainable mass.

A time to ponder..............

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Commentary Plus: Father McCain's Extremist Choice And Mother Sarah's Double Talk

Commentary Plus: Father McCain's Extremist Choice And Mother Sarah's Double Talk

Commentary Plus: Life And Living

Commentary Plus: Life And Living

Commentary Plus: Life And Living

Commentary Plus: Life And Living

Commentary Plus: Life To Live

Commentary Plus: Life To Live

Commentary Plus: Rise Up To Transform America To A New Futuristic Height

Commentary Plus: Rise Up To Transform America To A New Futuristic Height

Commentary Plus: The Split

Commentary Plus: The Split

Commentary Plus: There Is Not Much Hope For A Free Journalism Any More

Commentary Plus: There Is Not Much Hope For A Free Journalism Any More

Commentary Plus: Send Young Men And Women To War, And The Rest To Hop And Shop

Commentary Plus: Send Young Men And Women To War, And The Rest To Hop And Shop

Commentary Plus: A Prosperous America

Commentary Plus: A Prosperous America

Commentary Plus: Nation's Varied Archetype

Commentary Plus: Nation's Varied Archetype

Commentary Plus: The Courage And The Character Of A Warrior

Commentary Plus: The Courage And The Character Of A Warrior

Commentary Plus: Peace And War Evolving Measure of Evolution?

Commentary Plus: Peace And War Evolving Measure of Evolution?

Commentary Plus: The Particle, The Force, And The Dark Matter

Commentary Plus: The Particle, The Force, And The Dark Matter

Commentary Plus: Freedom And Freedom Drama

Commentary Plus: Freedom And Freedom Drama

Commentary Plus: Sacrifice

Commentary Plus: Sacrifice

Commentary Plus: Patriotic

Commentary Plus: Patriotic

Commentary Plus: Transcend

Commentary Plus: Transcend

Commentary Plus: Political Shenanigan

Commentary Plus: Political Shenanigan

Commentary Plus: Life Is To Live, Not To Be Cajoled Into Believing How To Control

Commentary Plus: Life Is To Live, Not To Be Cajoled Into Believing How To Control

Commentary Plus: Live Forever

Commentary Plus: Live Forever

Commentary Plus: Democracy For The People Is Hijacked

Commentary Plus: Democracy For The People Is Hijacked

Commentary Plus: Democracy On The Run

Commentary Plus: Democracy On The Run

Commentary Plus: A Nation In A Bubble

Commentary Plus: A Nation In A Bubble

Commentary Plus: Build The Main Street For A Prosperous Wall Street

Commentary Plus: Build The Main Street For A Prosperous Wall Street

Commentary Plus: Making Of Next Depression

Commentary Plus: Making Of Next Depression

Commentary Plus: A Bush/Cheney/Greenspan Socialized America

Commentary Plus: A Bush/Cheney/Greenspan Socialized America

Commentary Plus: Build A Progressive Universe

Commentary Plus: Build A Progressive Universe

Commentary Plus: Toxic Dumbing Down On Rise

Commentary Plus: Toxic Dumbing Down On Rise


Life's collective shadows that surrounds you; Let them not follow you.

Life's collective shadows are not yours; Live life not of shadows but yours.

Life's collective shadows are not yours; Life is yours not of shadows.

Shadows are the ghosts of generations past, the one must not live and last.

A time to ponder.................