Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fracking spread.
Pollution rise.
There is no mind if brain dies.
Matter matters in sublime. ~Buddhasoren

Surendrapratap Singh - Google+

Surendrapratap Singh - Google+

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Time is a funny and a strange thing, if it is of anything.

It is a wobbling universe, if it is of anything.
Life is a short dangling thing, if it is of anything.
Life in a wobbling universe is what it is: a wobble, if it is of anything.

Life and the livings are never aligned, if they are of anything..
Whatever it is, if it is of anything.
Life ends as it has been ending in a forever time, if it is of anything.

Time is a funny, and a strange thing, if it is of anything.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Abrogate Thoughts

Words are smashing
to abrogate thoughts.

Life is
making it's pace in a paceless place
in a thoughtless race
like a stone
in a sunny
to abase
the connect
in a planetary
a thoughtless trace.

The matters 
are scattered
to abound
for a meaning
in a meaningless
world of
warring, and

Words are smashing
in a meaningless
thoughtless sound.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Beauty Lost

there was a time
the beauty of ocean and it's misty sprays were plentiful.
the land and it's prairies were wide and open.
the springs, the bogs, the marsh, the lakes, and the rivers were alive and clean.
the hills, the mountains, and the peaks shined.

times change, and the fracking came

the oil pipe ran through the heartland turning the beauty of the land
into dark, dusty, murky spew.

it was a money game that killed the ocean and the plain.

the time was no other time than our time, the beginning of the end time.